I’m incredibly excited to announce a startup around AI that we started to build about 3 months ago:
(And you are literally the first ones in the wild that hear about it, and you can help)
None of what you read is incredibly difficult right now, it’s just very convenient the way we do it:
We connect a language model with a generative AI and create a little children’s story out of it that land in your library as a little book. It’s glorious, weird, free, and cute.
And now it’s live!
And you can help. At the moment 2 stories a day are completely free so our API doesn’t get hammered too much. Any feedback that you have would be lovely to have:
bedfables@gmail.com or here in the comments
Lessons in AI product
While Bedfables is not yet a success commercially (but it might!) there’s a good lesson to be had in here. There is always a niche for products that might not be technically difficult to do and defend from the tech point of view.
But adding a layer of convenience on top of it and really nailing down this particular use case is what sells. It’s not the books themselves. It’s how easy it is and what else you can do.
As we’re building the product out and I get more and more people onto it you’ll see how this is more often than not how we integrate AI products into other seemingly simple products.
You could right now use ChatGPT to generate a children’s story and then a generative AI to create the pics and stitch it together. You pay here (if you choose to pay of course) for the convenience.
The problem with products like this that are easy to copy is that you need to have some kind of acquisition reach behind it otherwise it’s going to be painfully slow to get it off the ground.
I can use my extended reach and experience in building products like this to do just that so I’ll win (if there is anything to win) this battle hopefully in combination with however we build it out.
Please give it a spin and let me know what you think. We did not announce it yet to the broad public.
Thank you!!
Leah and Team
Quick feedback: I typed in some stuff, clicked on generate, waited for the generation, and then was told there was a character limit for the character description. Tried again - was told there was a character limit on the story description. Tried again - "something went wrong". Tried again - "2 story limit a day" :(